fredag 19 maj 2017

Fur coloring

Today we have been working on the coloring of our fur. First of all we wanted to improve the inter-fur shadowing to make the strands of hair look more natural and more separate. We tried a few different methods, but in the end we favored something similar to what we had before: a simple linear interpolation between black at the bottom layer and the original fur color on the top layer.
We did notice that the edges between the triangular faces become very obvious when we make the fur more dense. This is probably something we should look into. (Update: we have now made the faces a little bit bigger for each shell as a temporary improvement. As we work on the bend of the hairs, we will look into this in more detail.)

The next thing we added was a slight variation between the colors of each strand of hair. 
This makes the hair look more natural close up. Here we vary each of the RGB-values in the original color by +- 0.1. If we want to, we can also vary between all possible RGB-values.
We still haven't made the fur color change based on the lighting but that could be something to work on in the future.

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